Brief Synopsis
The daughter of Lisa, an alcoholic. Mel can only watch in envy as her aunt and uncle live an affluent and lavish lifestyle. Meanwhile, Mel’s attempts to take care of her younger brothers are laudable but crisis hits when her baby sister succumbs to sudden and expected illness culminating in her brothers being taken into care and her mother falling deeper into a pit of depression and addiction. While her Uncle Chris offers sanctuary and an olive branch, her aunt Maria provides nothing but animosity towards her niece who ultimately finds herself lured into the clutches of the mesmeric Kizzy. As one danger follows another, Chris, Maria and Lisa face up to reality but has it all come to late for Mel?
Character Analysis
Role – Kizzy
The warm and caring Kizzy is always there with a winning smile and a comforting outstretched arm or is this just the clever front for a thoroughly undesirable character whose one purpose in life is to coax and groom those most vulnerable into a life of degradation and depravity?
Sacha Bennett
Cast Includes
Kierston Wareing, Nick Moran, Nick Nevern, Steve Collins,Donna Taylor & Grace Loughlin