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Vicki has enjoyed much success as the charming, charismatic Pamela in Ray Cooney’s Out of Order. Oozing class, she is outwardly every inch the politician’s wife! But underneath there boils a raging passion just begging to be released! A role Vicki has performed on numerous occasions with great enthusiasm!


Richard Willey is an up and coming Government Junior Minister married to the beautiful and charming Pamela. Not content with one relationship, he plots to strike up a liaison with the leader of the oppositions secretary while telling his wife he's attending an all-night sitting. The discovery of an unexpected object in Willey's hotel suite leads to chaos as he panics and sends for his P.P.S. to provide a cover up. Chaos leads to mayhem as the lies escalate when Pamela arrives to surprise her husband.


Written during the long Conservative Government reign of the 80’s and 90’s as a sequel to Cooney’s Two into One, Out of Order received the 1991 Olivier Award for Comedy of the Year. A hysterical spider’s web of deceit, it is easily adapted to relate to any political party that happen to be in power at the time, making it one of the most topical plays ever written. Vicki has appeared in Out of Order on extended No.1 UK tours and in summer season.


The Manager – Paul Shane / Barry Howard

Richard Willey MP – Giles Watling

The Waiter – Terry O’Sullivan / Barry Howard

The Maid – Kerry Wotten

Jane Worthington – Tina Hall 

A Body – Patric Kearns

George Pigden – David Callister 

Ronnie Worthington – Scott Wright

Pamela Willey – Vicki Michelle

Gladys – Samantha Hughes




With a star studied cast, this production is hilarious. Vicki Michelle brings her charisma to the role of Pamela Willey in a flirtatious performance.


Bournemouth Echo.


Vicki Michelle shows her expertise as Willey's baffled wife. 


The Darlington & Stockton Times.


The "wives" Vicki Michelle, Tina Hall, Samantha Hughes and Kerry Wotton are here, there and occasionally anyone but their basic character, in top farcical form.




The ten strong cast are bang on target.


Essex Footlights.


The cast have a razor sharp sense of timing.




This was classic farce at its best.




This could very well be the light to counter the dark summer we've had so far.


Evening Gazette - Colchester.


The packed house thoroughly enjoyed the opening night of the production.

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© 2000 Vicki Michelle

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