Brief Synopsis
Round and Round The Garden is one of three plays, written by Alan Ayckbourn and known under the general heading The Norman Conquests. A series of productions depicting the life, trials and tribulations of the slightly eccentric Norman and his somewhat dysfunctional family and friends as they converge together for a civilized weekend at Sarah’s house. The action of the plays takes place simultaneously in different parts of the property, thus the characters are completely unaware of what’s taking place in differing areas.
Norman and Ruth have been married for five years but already are leading fairly independent lives. Unbeknown to Ruth, Norman has planned a nice weekend away with the shy and retiring Annie, declaring his attentions on a visit to her house. The situation is flagged to Sarah, Annie’s sister-in law upon her arrival and she quickly summands Ruth to set things straight. But she doesn’t reckon with Norman’s determination or the consequences of the hapless Toms input!
Character Analysis
Role – Ruth
Accomplished, successful, controlling, myopic and somewhat opinionated, Ruth definitely likes to think she wears the trousers in her marriage but does she?
Vicki has stared as Ruth in two parts of the Norman Conquest trilogy, Round and Round the Garden and Table Manners, playing around the UK
Ian Dickens
David Callister, Christopher Hackett, Amanda Humphrey, Eric Potts and Claire Askam