Grand Opera House - York
It was another box office record breaking year in panto for Vicki in 2019 when she starred as the Wicked Queen Titania in Snow White at the Grand Opera House York.
Character Review
Wicked Queen Titania
A role she has always relished, it’s ten years since Vicki last played Wicked Queen and this portrayal was a real tour de force. Thoroughly evil, there was a wonderful air of dismissive disdain with which she dispatched her minions most notably Mark Little aka the Lord Chancellor of Trumpville. Together they created a magical on-stage rapport bringing out the very best (or worst) in their characters, a highlight of Act 1 undoubtedly being their duet of the Elvis Presley hit, Trouble. That was some top note Vicki! And I’d defy anyone not to be terrified by her unexpected threats over the audience from one of the opera house boxes, brilliantly bathed in deep red by lighting designer Magnus Leslie. A real wow factor cameo. Not even the sight of ‘love’s true kiss’, delivered on this occasion by Snow White’s father, the King, nor banishment to the realms of the magic mirror brought a glimmer of remorse to this black hearted soul! The kids loved her!
Martin Daniels, teamed with Vicki for a 3rd pantomime season proved a magical Muddles in every sense while Steve Wickenden as Nurse Brexit, Jonny Muir as Prince Rudolph and Louise Henry as Snow White were ideally cast. Ben Fry as the Town Crier and indeed York’s real town crier, brought much to this production, proving himself an asset to the cast. Much praise should be heaped upon choreographer Emily Taylor and all the dancers in this show for their sharp, slick and unfaltering routines.
Traditional with a modern twist, the show was brilliantly written and directed by Chris Moreno who brought out the very best in his performers. This was a 5 star worthy show by Three Bears Productions
Chris Moreno
Cast include
Lord Chancellor of Trumpville as Mark Little, Martin Daniels as Muddles, Steve Wickenden as Nurse Brexit, Ben Fry as Town Crier, Jonny Muir as Prince Rudolph and Louise Henry as Snow White

Playhouse Theatre - Weston Super-Mare
A truly magical experience awaited the sell out audiences as they arrived at The Playhouse Theatre in Weston-Super-Mare where Vicki was casting her evil spells as the Wicked Red Queen, Grizelda over Christmas 2009.
Character Analysis
Queen Grizelda
From the moment a mighty crash of thunder announced her arrival, Vicki’s commanding stage presence heralded a performance of scathing menace. Lines were delivered with a razor cutting edge as she systematically dismissed her servants for their incompetence and terrorised her subjects with equal wonderful relish and a stylish crack from her cat ‘o’ nine tails! Not even her trusty magic mirror escaped her wrath being smashed into a million pieces in a fit of rage. clever changes of voice from Regal tones to cackling hag, did much to encourage a barrage of screams and boos from the excited children in the auditorium. But the biggest response from the audience came with her conversion from evil to good, transforming into her iconic character of Yvette from Allo Allo, complete with trademark growl “Oooooh Rene” initiating a huge cheer and round of applause. A particular highlight of the performance came with her only solo musical contribution, Poker Face, delivered with great confidence and precision accuracy on the choreography.
David Samuel
Cast include
Herman the Henchman by Kevin Bohan, Muddles by Peter Duncan, Dame Dolly by Nick Wilton, Felicity Wright as Snow White, Prince Rupert by Jody Crosier, Forest Fairy by Sarah Luscombe.
Completing the cast were youngsters from the Tina Counsell School of Dance and Drama as the Dwarfs and Village Folk.

New Theatre - Hull
The 2008/09 Qdos production of Snow White saw Vicki make a welcome return to the role of Wicked Queen and after six years of pantos, to Hull’s New Theatre having last starred in pantomime there in Peter Pan. Topping the bill with the evergreen Grumbleweeds, this was a Snow White with a heavy emphasis on comedy. Lavish sets and spectacular costumes added greatly to the overall magical effect of this truly family show especially during the Queen’s transformation scene and her intimidating chariot entrances.
Character Analysis
Queen Lucretia aka Wicked Red Queen
Regal and resplendent in Royal robes, unusually Queen Lucretia had numerous comedy moments particularly when interacting with her mouthy magic mirror played by the incomparable Paul O’Grady or when reciting the devilishly difficult tongue twister explaining the contents of the poisoned chalice, which she delivered flawlessly no less than twice in quick succession.
That said, she had no problems providing the perfect balance between her sadistically evil and more amusing alter ego.
Peter Pervis
Cast include
The Grumbleweeds were Muddles and Lord Chamberlain, Polly Parsons and James Mackenzie made an enchanting couple while the Magnificent Seven dwarfs led by Big Mick won the hearts of everyone in the theatre.

Broadway Theatre - Lewisham
2001/02 saw Vicki repeat her previous years role at the Broadway Theatre, Lewisham. Here she topped the bill alongside the children’s presenter of Art Attack, Mark Speight.
Character Analysis
Queen Lucretia aka The Wicked Red Queen. Queen Lucretia was a rather formidable Queen who was clearly extremely irritated and frustrated by a particularly hyper Muddles!
Richard Frost
Cast include
Mark Speight as Muddles, Ventriloquist Ward Allen with his faithful dog Roger joined forces as the Lord Chamberlain while Collette Bibby played Snow White, Paul Manuel, Graham Richards and Nigel Garton completed the cast.

Alban Arena - St Albans
For the 2000/01 Qdos production of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs, Vicki found herself topping the bill at the Alban Arena in St Albans.
Character Analysis
Wicked Red Queen
In one of her finest portrayals as the Wicked Red Queen to date we were treated to some dynamic vocal renditions of I’ll Put a Spell on You and Sex Bomb.
Paul Madden
Cast include
Rhodri Williams as the Prince teamed the hilarious impressionist Fogwell Flax as Muddles both made their mark while radio personality John Gaunt battled to no avail as henchman Odd job against his villainess mistress. A young Hayley Tamadden portrayed Snow White.

Alexandra Theatre - Birmingham
The 1988/89 Qdos production of Snow White at the Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham was a particularly memorable experience for Vicki and despite having portrayed the same role at the Cork Opera House, Ireland five years earlier, proved to be the real start of a regular and prestigious pantomime playing career.
Character Analysis
Starring as The Wicked Red Queen it was Vicki’s first opportunity to really shine in this iconic role and one she readily grasped.
Jonathan Kylie
Cast include
Rod Hull and Emu, Jonathan Kiley and Hill’s Angel Louise English as Snow White.
Opera House - Cork
Vicki’s first professional pantomime came early in her career. Staged at the Opera House, Cork she played The Wicked Queen in unquestionably one of the most popular of pantomime stories.
Character Analysis
The Wicked Queen. Still somewhat young to play such an iconic panto role, her casting was undoubtedly due to her immense popularity in Ireland where she had long been famed as Sally O’Brien in the Harp Lager TV ads.